In modern society, there is an increasing focus on physical appearance, and by extension, people are increasingly concerned about their smile.

Unfortunately, not everyone fully understands the concept of oral health.

Good oral hygiene is not just about preventing and treating cavities.

The gums, which are often neglected, are, together with the alveolar bone, the support for the teeth.

It maintains the stability of the teeth and is the first structure to react when plaque build-up occurs.

Most of the time, gingival inflammation, called gingivitis, reflects a distress of the gum tissues due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque in the gingival sulcus (at the tooth-gum interface).

Spontaneous or brushing-induced gingival bleeding is the consequence of gingival trauma.

This alarm signal should direct the patient to the dentist for early treatment of gingival bleeding symptoms.

The process of setting up degenerative gum disease which eventually leads to tooth loss is reversible only in this phase of gingival bleeding.

Once the disease reaches the bone underlying the gum, it resorbed, the chances of preserving the dental units, on the arch, become almost non-existent.

We can improve gum health by correcting personal hygiene mistakes.


In the desire to have the cleanest teeth possible, we are tempted to brush them using considerable force and horizontal movements, resulting in:

  • gum damage

  • cuneiform lesions in the socket

  • gum bleeding

  • edematous gingiva

  • failure to clean the junction between the tooth and gingiva (gingival sulcus).


The ideal technique is vertical, starting from the gum towards the edge of the teeth. With gentle, sweeping movements, we ensure the removal of plaque. The use of soft or medium consistency brushes is recommended so that they do not damage the tooth structure. Even if the sensation, in patients who are familiar to using toothbrushes with hard bristles, will be of inefficiency.

Toothbrushes do, however, have their limits

For a complete cleaning it is also necessary to use adjuvant means. flossing, tongue brushing, mouthwash, Air Floss.

Flossing should be gentle to prevent damage to the interdental gum (gingival papilla).

If the space between two adjacent teeth is very narrow or crowded, it is preferable to floss gently, following the curvature of each tooth. Or more conveniently, use Air Floss


For a complete and effective treatment of gingivitis, we should make an appointment with our dentist if:

Our gums become red, swollen and shiny (normally healthy gums are light pink in color, firmly attached to the tooth and show slight bumps on the surface due to dental contours).

  • bleeding gums occur during, after brushing or spontaneously

  • bad breath (halitosis) or an unpleasant taste in the mouth

  • large portions of the subgingival tooth surface are exposed in the oral cavity

  • spaces appear between the gum and the tooth.

Diagnosis and treatment

Based on the symptoms described by the patient, combined with the results of clinical and radiological inspection, the dentist will establish a diagnosis and cure the patient with a specific treatment.

Untreated, gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, a pathology in which the degree of implantation of teeth in the alveolar bone is severely affected.

Bacteria found at the tooth-gum interface will excrete toxins that will add to the already existing inflammation and infection.

The supporting structures of the teeth will lose their ability to defend themselves and tooth loss will be inevitable.

This gingival bleeding, often overlooked, hides a distress of the supporting structures of the teeth (periodontium).

If we are aware of the severe consequences that bleeding gums can have, we will know how to act in order to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for as long as possible.

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