Cervical caries. Evolution.

From an anatomical-topographical point of view, the tooth consists of the coronal part, which directly participates in chewing, the root part, which has the role of keeping the tooth in the socket, and the neck portion, representing the connecting area between the crown and the root.

Cavities that form in the cervical portion of the crowns in the vicinity of the gingiva, on the buccal and oral surfaces, affect the dental collar and are called “cervical caries” or “cervical lesions.”

The development of cervical caries is caused by poor oral hygiene, as the main cause leading to their appearance is the bacterial plaque deposited at the gingival margin in the cervical third.

Other factors that favor the appearance of cervical caries are dental tartar and an inefficient or aggressive brushing technique.

Treatment of cervical caries

Is carried out under isolation (we recommend the use of a retractor cord), by removing the irreversibly altered enamel and dentin and applying physiognomic filling materials.

The treatment of these lesions is more challenging because of their location and the presence of saliva, which makes proper isolation difficult. Usually, a single session is sufficient for the treatment of cervical caries.

It is essential to observe their appearance in time, and regular dental check-ups (every 6 months) help detect the carious process at an early stage, leading to a favorable therapeutic prognosis.

How to recognize cervical caries?

There are several signs that can highlight the presence of cervical caries: inflammation or recession of the gingival margin, the presence of brownish-black spots located in the cervical third, local hypersensitivity, and pain during brushing or when consuming sweet or cold foods.

When one of these signs is present, a visit to the dentist is the first thing to do!

Sometimes, cervical caries can be located under tartar deposits or at the edges of prosthetic work (called marginal secondary caries), making them more difficult to detect. However, radiographically, they are easier to recognize by the dentist.

How to prevent cervical caries?

Ways to prevent cervical caries:

Brush your teeth every time after eating, or at least twice a day, in the morning and evening, being careful not to neglect some dental surfaces, without performing aggressive movements that may injure the gums and cause inflammation

Horizontal brushing, using back-and-forth movements, is not recommended, as it promotes the accumulation of food debris between the teeth and does not remove bacterial plaque from the sulcus.

Flossing, used before brushing, can remove retained interdental food debris from spaces where the toothbrush does not have optimal access.

Fluoride mouthwash is ideal after each brushing. For perfect dental hygiene we recommend using a mouthwash or air floss.

Daily consumption of carbohydrates, carbonated drinks, sweets, sticky foods should be controlled – it is not necessarily the quantity consumed that is important but the frequency of consumption.

Regular dental check-ups are recommended every 6 months if no problems occur.

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