Myths in dental surgeries

Myths in dental surgeries

Patients turn to various sources of information when they are interested in a particular topic.

Whether it’s people in the know, books or articles on the internet, sources of information are increasingly numerous and not always able to guide patients in the right way.

In some cases, they prove useful but unfortunately, in most cases, patients end up being disillusioned and losing confidence in the treatments proposed by the dentist.

Always, the most important source of information should be the dentist.

He or she has all the information the patient needs to make the treatment effective and the results satisfactory for both the dentist and the patient.

We will now present three of the most common issues that raise questions for patients or cause them to take the wrong approach to certain situations:

  • The myth of current as the cause of toothache – it is not uncommon for patients to walk into dental surgeries complaining of either pain or swelling and claiming it was caused by current.

In reality, caries is responsible for both dental pain and abscesses, the latter resulting in swelling and redness of the soft tissue.

Cavities should always be treated early, when they are detected, because they can often develop asymptomatically and the patient only presents to the doctor in acute episodes, when the pain becomes unbearable.

Many patients choose to go to the dentist’s surgery only when they are in pain, which is very wrong.

Once the pain sets in, the treatment options become fewer and the remaining ones may not be to the patient’s liking.

Regular check-ups reduce this risk of developing pathologies.

The problem of over-irradiated dental X-rays – over time, technology has advanced and this has also been applied to X-ray machines.

Today, the radiation that X-ray machines emit is comparable to a day at the beach, making it insignificant.

However, for pregnant patients, it is advisable to time X-rays in the first and last trimester to reduce any potential risk.

  • The myth of orthodontic braces which, in the view of some patients, are intended only for children – indeed, it is good that any correction of jaw anomalies should be carried out as early as possible to ensure harmonious development of the facial mass.

During the growth period, the application of orthodontic appliances directs the jaw towards harmonious growth, in line with the other structures inside and outside the mouth.

However, if orthodontic treatments are not carried out during childhood, it is not a contraindication for them to be carried out in adults.

Good results can also be obtained in old age, if the supporting periodontium supports their application.

Myths have always existed and will continue to exist as sources of information are varied and increasing.

It is good for the patient to know what to select and in case of doubt always seek medical advice.

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