Eating habits that damage teeth

Habits that damage teeth

Throughout life, man changes two sets of teeth. In infancy, when the first teeth appear at the age of 5-6 months, the young patient’s temporary teeth are formed.

With the first teeth, the child will develop and define its chewing patterns and eating habits.

The permanent teeth, which gradually begin to replace the temporary ones around the age of 6, also take over their functions and are better exercised, thanks to certain features that the permanent teeth have:

  • They have a harder structure, their degree of mineralization is high, they are more resistant to factors that can disturb them, whether they are of internal or external origin.

  • They are less brittle, with more defined, sharper cusps and edges. They do not wear down to the same extent as temporary teeth.

  • do not show the phenomenon of rhizalisation, i.e. root resorption. The roots of permanent teeth are much better developed and better implanted in the bone, which is why permanent teeth last longer in the dental arches.

The patient totals 32 permanent teeth, with slight individual variations. If oral hygiene were strictly adhered to, they could serve the patient for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, even well-groomed teeth can cause problems at some point. All the more reason, therefore, why hygiene protocols must be strictly adhered to.

However, some patients also use their teeth for purposes other than those for which they were created, the most common of which are:

  • Breaking hard foods – peanuts, nuts, pistachios. These are a category of hard foods that can weaken teeth because of the hard consistency of the shell. Many patients, out of convenience or habit, prefer to break this category of food between their teeth, with adverse consequences for oral health. In addition to tooth enamel that can develop cracks or even fracture, soft tissues can also be damaged by the projection of the shells onto them.

  • Opening bottles – instead of using a specially designed bottle opener, some patients proudly state that they use their teeth, especially those in the side region, to open bottles. This is not the role of the teeth, and they will certainly soon become damaged, most likely fracturing from the excessive forces to which they are subjected.

  • The vicious habit of biting one’s nails has harmful consequences for the entire dento-maxillary apparatus and the temporomandibular joint. By biting the nails, the ratios between the teeth are altered and non-functional movements are transmitted to the receiving structures. Over time, this habit leads to joint pain. Nails are also a reservoir of bacteria that are carried to the oral cavity.

  • Gnawing on objects, especially writing instruments, during moments of concentration can cause asymmetries in the dental arches and alter occlusal ratios.

Teeth need to be protected because, although they are basically strong, they can be damaged over time by overuse and use for purposes for which they are not suited.

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