Children’s dental care

We are born with peculiarities in terms of body traits and functioning.

That is why the quality of saliva and the position of teeth also have a great influence on the activity of the oral segment.

Not all patients have the same predisposition to develop caries or periodontal disease.

The factors that can be decisive in the appearance of pathologies if hygiene is not intervened.

Caries risk, particularly in children, can be influenced by the way oral hygiene is carried out and the age at which tooth brushing starts.

The most effective caries prevention measure is brushing at least twice a day. For children, fluoride toothpastes are recommended, as this chemical is known for its carioprotective effects.

Characteristics of brushing teeth of children

  • To be carried out by an adult until around the age of 8: the child does not have the dexterity, responsibility or patience to brush effectively on his or her own until around school age. Cavities in temporary teeth alter the eruption of permanent teeth. Also, by the age of 6, the young patient will already have permanent teeth in the oral cavity. The parent is directly responsible for the integrity of the child’s dental arches.
  • Brushing can start as soon as the first temporary teeth erupt. At first, it is recommended that brushing is done with water-soaked compresses or even with the finger, gently brushing over the newly erupted teeth. It is important that the child is not given sweetened liquids at bedtime. The sugars they contain adhere to the tooth surface and release acids, which play a decisive role in the appearance of carious lesions and enamel weakening.
  • Movements made to clean tooth surfaces, whether with a toothbrush, a compresses or even your finger, should be circular.
  • The frequency is a minimum of once a day in the evening. However, brushing should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Switching from brushing by parents to brushing by the child can be problematic.

The child should be encouraged both at school and at home and informed about the benefits of good hygiene.

Drawings, pictures or other interactive materials should be used to stimulate the child’s imagination and make them understand the importance of brushing.

Over time, brushing teeth should become a ritual, a part of the child’s routine. Supervision is especially important in the beginning, until the child learns the correct movements on his or her own without missing them. To make them aware of the time needed to brush their teeth correctly and completely, children can listen to their favorite songs while they brush.

With the eruption of more and more dental units on the arches, the interdental spaces shrink and tight contacts occur. These are harder places to hygienize so flossing can begin. Initially, the dentist should show the child the correct technique to avoid damage to the papillae, gums and subsequent retraction.

Correct dental hygiene starts with the eruption of the first temporary teeth and continues throughout life.

Dental care is important for all ages, including young patients. Here are some essential tips for tooth care in young patients.

What is involved in caring for children’s teeth?

  1. Tooth brushing: it is important to teach children to brush their teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening, with a toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride.
  2. Avoid sweet and acidic foods: these can contribute to tooth decay and tooth loss. It is important to limit sweets and eat healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables.
  3. Flossing: this helps remove plaque and food debris that builds up between teeth.
  4. Regular visits to the dentist: it is important to visit the dentist at least once a year to check the condition of the teeth and gums and prevent dental problems.
  5. Avoiding unhealthy habits: such as thumb sucking or nail biting, these can affect the position of the teeth and contribute to dental problems.
  6. Nutrition: it is important to include foods that are good for your teeth, such as dairy products, fruit and vegetables. It is also important to avoid foods that contain excess sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  7. Sports and activities: for young people who participate in sports or other physical activities, it is important to wear dental protection to prevent dental damage.
  8. Eliminate unhealthy habits: such as smoking or drinking alcohol, these can negatively affect the condition of teeth and gums.
  9. Education: it is important to educate children about the importance of dental care and how to take care of their teeth.

Fluoride: this is an important element that helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. Fluoride can be found in drinking water, toothpaste and supplements.

It is important to start dental care from an early age to have healthy teeth throughout life.

In conclusion, dental care in young patients is essential for healthy teeth and to prevent dental problems in the future. It is important to adopt healthy habits and make regular visits to the dentist to ensure proper dental care.

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