Fear of the dentist. Causes
Visits to the dentist occur, for most patients, only when dental pain occurs.
Unfortunately, many patients tend to ignore their dental problems as long as they don’t disturb their function or cause suffering. Dental check-ups should be strictly adhered to because their role is to help the doctor detect any irregularities in dental health early on.
Most often, patients who go to the dentist have a certain embarrassment, a fear of the medical act. They may be frightened by such things as:
The visit to the dentist’s office itself – going to the stomatologist is associated with pain and even if this is counteracted by having anesthesia, some embarrassment still remains.
Uncomfortable position – even if the patient’s body is in a relaxed position, the head will always be under tension, with the oral cavity needing to be as wide open as possible.
If sessions are long, the patient will feel pressure and perhaps even pain in the temporomandibular joint.
Sounds in the surgery – for some patients, the sound of the turbine may trigger fear. Children in particular may be downright terrified by that sound.
The instruments – even if the instruments being used are small, adapted to the oral structures, the fact that they have sharp points, blades or other cutting edges can make the patient feel afraid.
This is why, especially in the case of children, an attempt is made as far as possible to mask the instruments to avoid frightening the young.
People’s reactions differ in dental surgeries.
Some patients may be brave, others a little more fearful.
Whether this is their nature or whether they have had unpleasant experiences, patients need to be understood and the doctor has a duty to create a relationship based on trust.
Once the patient is confident that they are in good hands, their fears will be allayed.
Modern dentistry is based on minimizing pain. There are equipment and means to increase patient comfort, such as:
Anesthesia – is intended to abolish sensitivity in certain regions, depending on the area where it is administered.
For patients who cannot tolerate the needle prick either, there is the possibility of applying anesthetic spray or gel to the puncture site, which reduces much of the discomfort caused by the needle.
Sedation – is carried out with nitrous oxide and oxygen and is intended to relax anxious patients during dental treatment.
This method is indicated for children and non-operative adults, before major surgery, patients with a strong vomiting reflex, with general pathologies that make it difficult or impossible to carry out the medical procedure.
Modern dentistry greatly reduces the discomfort experienced by patients during treatment.
There are a number of methods, most of which have been mentioned above, which can remove the fear of the dentist.
First and foremost, however, is open and honest dialogue with the patient.
Once patients understand what will be done to them and the importance of the procedure, they will relax.