When is Inhalational sedation indicated?

Among the new methods to reduce anxiety and stress in patients presenting with fear to the dentist, inhalation is increasingly used in both adults and children.

Inhalation is used to make patients more comfortable when sitting in the dental chair and is a method that produces relaxation, similar to neuro-sedative drugs.

So instead of giving patients calming drugs that may be accompanied by side effects, inhalation is preferred.

Inhalation involves inhaling nitrous oxide, a gas that has a relatively short sedative effect, lasting about 5 minutes and lasting as long as the operation is performed.

At the end of the therapeutic procedure, the mask is removed and the patient returns to his or her original state within a few minutes. The protoxide is gradually eliminated and no side effects have been encountered.


Depending on the type of maneuver, inhalation can be used in the following cases:

Endodontic treatments – these are root canal treatments that are performed on patients with excessive sensitivity or pain. Bacterial contamination of the tooth is most often achieved by the progression to the pulp chamber of a cavity.

Sometimes the inflammation of the pulp tissue is pronounced and very painful, which is compounded by the patient’s agitation, so that the doctor fails to penetrate the pulp chamber and drain the problem tooth.

Dental Dam application – dental dam is that rubber foil that is applied to a plastic or metal frame, with the purpose of isolating from the oral cavity only the tooth or teeth to be treated.

It can be uncomfortable for the patient, especially if they breathe only through their mouth or mixed nose and mouth and will cause them to feel choked.

By gently inhaling the patient, the degree of anxiety is dramatically reduced and the patient gets used to the airway system.

Prosthetic treatments – Prosthetics are intended to restore damaged dental units that no longer benefit from fillings or to replace lost teeth.

It is a complex field that often requires the sacrifice of healthy dental material in order to create the conditions for adhesion and fitting into the natural contour of the prosthetic pieces.

Thus, at the time of preparation (grinding) of teeth, the patient may experience sensitivity, which is relieved by injection of anesthetic or inhalation.

Impression in prosthetic treatments is also indispensable.

In order to provide the dental laboratory with the most accurate details and morphology of the patient’s oral cavity, a quality impression is necessary.

If the patient has a strong gag reflex when the impression material is inserted, inhalation will solve this problem.

Children can also benefit from inhalation anesthesia from an early age.

By reducing the stress and fear they are under, especially when they see needles or hear the noise of dental turbines, children become more open and receptive.

In general, inhalation is beneficial for all types of dental procedures, primarily by reassuring the patient.

A relaxed patient is more cooperative and thus the quality of the procedure improves.

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