When complicated dental problems that are not treated in time lead to edentation, missing teeth are replaced by fixed or mobile dentures. Fixed prosthesis can be realised when the number of missing teeth is reduced and the edentulous area is bordered anterior and posterior by teeth with good implantation, which can support a bridge. Removable prosthesis, partial or total, is a therapeutic option for replacing missing several teeth or all teeth. This is the therapeutic option of choice when there are not enough teeth on arch that can sustain a bridge.
What are dentures?
Denture is a fixed or movable element that replaces missing teeth. The fixed ones can be made entirely of metallic materials or it can be totally aesthetical. Removable dentures are made from acrylic resins and can incorporate ceramic or metallic elements for additional structural support. There are two types of mobile dentures: partial and total. The denture will look natural and will restore maxillary functions and smile, especially when they are properly cared.
How to make dentures?
Before starting the actual prosthetic treatment, after the consultation, other dental problems can be discovered. A pre-prosthetic treatment is first performed by cleaning the oral cavity and a pro-prosthetic intervention is made to fibromucosa if necessary, on the bone substrate or the abutments are prepared when the patient needs fixed dentures. Then the arches are impressed and the occlusion relationships are registered, providing necessary information for dentist. Subsequent sessions are needed to determine the form of teeth, color and to adjust the prosthesis on the field. After the final dentures are made, they are applied on the field and the doctor will give to the patient the necessary instructions related to maintenance.
Types of prostheses
Dental crown is a small denture that can restore the function and shape of a tooth, ensuring his protection.
Fixed prostheses (bridges) – are made up of at least 3 elements of which two are abutments and one deck body. It is recommended when the patient has a small edentation that is bordered anterior and posterior by teeth with good bone implantation.
Partial dentures are recommended when the patient has one or more missing teeth and does not want or does not have the possibility to achieve fixed prosthesis. To ensure good stability of the prosthesis on the field, metal clasps of the denture are anchored over the remaining teeth.
Immediate dentures – this type of prosthesis are applied immediately after tooth extraction, and can require additional adjustments after healing. It may take many months until the tissue and bone will be restored after extraction.
Total dental prosthesis – They substitute the absence of all dental units, superior or inferior.
Overdenture is a similar type of total prosthesis. The difference lies in the fact that not all dental units are extracted and one or more teeth are used in order to stand. This type of prosthesis provide better stability during chewing.