Tooth extraction

By tooth extraction we understand a surgical intervention of removing an affected tooth which causes and maintains local, loco-regional and general pathological processes that cannot be solved with conservative therapies.

Before deciding to extract a tooth, the dentist will discuss with the patient all the existing variants to save the tooth. Therefore, extraction is performed only if the disease cannot be remedied by other therapeutic options.

Tooth extraction is indicated when:

– Tooth are totally affected by caries

– The tooth shows a high degree of mobility being affected by periodontal disease

– When root canal treatments have failed

– There is a severe abscess and a therapeutic alternative is not found

– The infection affected a large part of the tooth and alveolar bone

– Crooked teeth shows

– There are other teeth that prevents tooth eruption

– For the application of orthodontic treatment that requires dental extractions, to make enough space to straight the teeth

– Impacted tooth (most often wisdom teeth) by blocking their development. They let the bacteria to enter into the jawbone, causing infections with serious repercussions.

Tooth extraction is not recommended to:

– Pregnant women in the first and third trimester of pregnancy is not indicated as it can affect pregnancy, even leading to miscarriage

– Patients who have suffered a heart attack last 6 months.

– Patients who have weakened immune systems, patients with chemotherapy treatments, immunosuppressants, radiotherapy

– Patients with bleeding disorders or who are treated with anticoagulants if we do not have the prior consent of Hematology.

Tooth extraction can be simple when the tooth it’s erupted, or surgical, when the tooth is not yet erupted or hasn’t enough visibility in the oral cavity.

When performing laborious extraction of consecutive dental units is recommended alveoloplasty, thus achieving and modeling of the alveolar bone. Sometimes it is necessary to perform alveolectomy, surgical incisions being made in the dental alveoli.

Before choosing this therapeutic procedure, the dentist will take into account certain aspects that may influence success and difficulty of extraction:

increased tooth mobility due periodontitis

Alveolar bone mass

Configuration and number of roots (extraction becomes more difficult as the tooth has multiple roots, the more they are divergent and farther apart)

Hyper level that is higher in the elderly

roots relations with sinuses or the mandibular canal

Simple extractions are commonly performed by dentists. The patient is anesthetized locally, so he will not feel pain, but only a slight pressure. The elevator is placed between the gum and tooth to cut the ligaments, facilitating the extraction of the tooth with pliers with increasingly larger moves of balance that are designed to broaden the tooth socket. After the tooth is extracted, the socket it’s curetted if the tooth was infected, and suture is realized or wound edges are compressed to stop bleeding.

After extraction are recommended:

– Maintaining compresses for 2 hours

– In the first 24 hours do not spit, do not suck from the extraction site, do not use a straw to drink fluids

– To relieve pain after the anesthesia is wearing off, take the medication prescribed by the dentist.

– Eat soft foods

– Do not touch the tongue extraction area

– Brushing is done with care in the extraction site

– Do not smoke

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