Guided tissue regeneration

Dentists are always trying to save both teeth and supporting tissues to help maintain optimal oral health. Specialised treatments are indicated for the teeth as well as the gums, because only cared for as a whole will lead to satisfactory and lasting results.

Sometimes, restorative and conservative dentistry, i.e. the part that deals with fillings and prosthetic work, is not indicated for pathologies that affect a considerable part of the tissues.

In the case of complex pathologies such as periodontal disease, where both dental units and ligaments and alveolar bone are affected, treatment must be aimed at limiting bacterial invasion of all structures.


When it is necessary to restore bone, ligaments and gingiva lost in the course of periodontal disease and prevent epithelial migration at the level of the defect created, guided tissue regeneration membranes are used, which have the following characteristics:

Biocompatibility – guided tissue regeneration membranes, also known as RTG, are effective without producing pathological changes in the surrounding tissue. Thus, they are applied to the site of choice without inducing inflammatory reactions and without irritating surrounding tissues. Also, membranes for RTG therapy are allergy-free, resistant to bacterial attack and resorb in an appropriate time according to the therapeutic plan.

Provides healing conditions – by not allowing penetration of epithelial tissue at the defect site, it ensures healing of the alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments.

Maintain space and facilitate healing – tissue-guided regeneration membranes are strong enough to create a barrier between different tissue types so that healing can take place within normal parameters.

The application of membranes is a surgical procedure, performed by the specialist periodontist, when periodontal disease is at an advanced stage of progression.

The cause of periodontal disease is a simple, common cause. It is based on gingival inflammation or gingivitis, caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the dental and soft surfaces.

One of the first signs of gingivitis is the appearance of bleeding on brushing and sometimes even spontaneously.

If therapeutic intervention is not taken at the earliest signs, with a rigorous hygiene protocol consisting of professional brushing, scaling and applications of topical substances to reduce inflammation, the disease worsens to include deeper structures.

Once the pathology reaches the ligaments and supporting bone, it is known as periodontal disease and treatment options are reduced. Once the pathology reaches the thickness of the bone, the defect produced cannot be replaced by the body’s physiological and repair mechanisms.


Thus, RTG is indicated in the following situations:

Alveolar bone defects

Patients in good general health who respond favourably to therapy

In patients who smoke, with multiple pathologies of other systems and organs, RTG is contraindicated.

Also, for patients with very large, large, horizontally arranged bone defects, with little remaining bone and poor quality, GTR therapy may not work.

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