Oral piercing is a jewelry applied in the soft tissues of the mouth.
Lately , oral piercing has become a form of expression of human personality, which can be crafted in various shapes and materials.
What are the risks of applying an oral piercing?
When considering the possibility of applying a piercing, dental health should be the first aspect to take note of, but most people treat this problem superficially.
When piercing the tongue muscles excessive bleeding is possible, because the tongue is highly vascularized. Immediately may appear difficulties in chewing, swallowing and even speaking. Since tongue is in constant motion, it will heal in a longer time.
The risks of applying oral piercing can be divided into two categories:
1. Life-Threatening Risks
Infection: In oral cavity many bacteria are present, so oral piercing can cause an infection. If you play with piercings after their application, there is a risk of infection. Also, the infection can be produced by improperly sterilized instruments used to pierce. They can transmit many diseases like Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, tuberculosis.
Most of the tongue’s blood vessels are directly related to the brain and other body areas. Damaging these vessels can cause infection that can spread throughout the body, even to vital organs, leading even to death.
Prolonged bleeding: When the puncture needle reaches a blood vessel, can cause uncontrollable bleeding, resulting in a large amount of blood loss, since tongue is a well vascularized organ.
Inflammation and pain: Inflammation and pain are common symptoms felt after applying an oral piercing. Inflammation of the tongue can cause significant respiratory blockage. Oral piercing has been associated with cases of neuralgia, signifying an intense and long-lasting pain along the course of a nerve. Lingual nerves damage can cause irreversible damages that lead to abnormal functioning of the organism. Remember, the needle used to pierce has the diameter 7 times thicker than the one used for dental anesthesia.
Asphyxia: Tongue being in constant motion, can lead to loosening or even rupturing of the piercing, causing suffocation and parts of piercing can be aspirated into the lungs.
Endocarditis: Piercing can be a way of penetration of bacteria into the bloodstream, reaching to the heart and presents an additional risk in causing endocarditis.
2. Non-threatening life risks:
Cracking or breaking a tooth: During speech, tongue movement, and constriction of the teeth, the metallic material of the piercing can fracture or break a tooth’s crown.
Periodontal damage: Metallic piercings may injure soft gum tissues, causing their retraction.
Impairment of normal functioning: Oral piercings can cause hipersalivation or can affect the correct pronunciation of words, chewing and swallowing.
Allergies: Some people may develop allergic reactions to materials used to the metal that piercings are made of. It is recommended to use the piercings made of materials that does not corrode and are not toxic.
Scars: After piercing the lips, tongue or cheek adjacent tissues can be affected, resulting in scarring.